23 September 2011

Success Principles - Version 5

Following on Success Principles from Bible, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc, I suddenly recalled Stephen Covey's "7 Habits for Effective People".  He later added a 8th habit "Finding your voice and help others to find theirs". 'Finding your voice' needs explanation. It is about discovering your talents and your unique purpose of life, contributing and making the best out of it. It is about the significance and meaningfulness of your life. After you have found and developed yours, you are to help others to find and achieve significance as well. This is very much like Confucius definition of Love - 夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人. Love or Compassion or Empathy is about wanting others to success and stand like our desires too or more directly, helping others to success as we have.

So, below is the updated mind-map. I did some re-organization of the map and changed some main topic name to make them clearer. This is to be encouraged in mind-mapping. As new information comes in, we want to refactor our existing map to take them in. In the process, we refine and enlarge our existing knowledge. Come to think of it, I should have kept copies of my earlier efforts to show the progression. I will try to find them.

For the latest version 8 go to  Success Principles from Li Ka Shing Quotes.

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